Bright sparks name more St Mary’s children from Worthing

St Mary's Infants class, July 1952St Mary's Infants class, July 1952
St Mary's Infants class, July 1952
Readers have managed to identify more of the children in this photo of the Infants class at St Mary’s Primary School in 1952.

Anne Spark (née Dunne) wrote in to identify Mary Byrne as the girl fifth from right on the middle row, and Pamela Stanford, second from left on the middle row.

Anne also believes the boy fourth from left on the front row, holding the board, is Patrick Taylor.

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Anne also remembered the names of other children in the class, but couldn’t point them out in the photo. The names were: Christine Pearce, Teresa Pedley, Mary Keohane and Teddy Barret.

Daniel Keegan, sixth from left on the back row, phoned in to name Phillip Hancock as the boy to his left in the photo, fifth from right.

Daniel, of Old Shoreham Road, Shoreham, also named Brian Hodgkinson as the boy third from left on the front row.

Ross Gowing spotted Michael Provetti, fifth from left on the back row, and Luana Townsend, second from right on the middle row.

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Mike Lelliott, who now lives in Reading, named himself as the boy third from right on the front row.

Mike said: “I live in Reading, Berkshire, and do not get this newspaper. I was so pleased when my niece passed this photo on to me as, sadly, I have only four photos of myself taken in childhood and this school photo is a welcome addition.”

Mike also appealed for any more school photos which he might appear in, to make up for his lack of childhood photos.

He said: “I was born in 1946 and went to St Mary’s Primary School, until 1958, and then Worthing High School for Boys, until 1963.”

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The names of the children in the photo are as follows, with unknown names marked by a question mark:

Back row (from left to right) - ?; ?; ?; ?; Michael Provetti; Daniel Keegan; Phillip Hancock; Bernard Reynolds; ?; ?; ?.

Middle row - ?; Pamela Stanford; ?; Frances Gillespie; Pamela Dale; Mary Byrne; Anne Dunne; Mary Hill; Luana Townsend; Barbara Trott.

Front row - ?; ?; Brian Hodgkinson; Patrick Taylor; ?; Mike Lelliott; ?; ?.

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Do you know the names of any of the remaining children in the photo?

Where are Christine Pearce, Teresa Pedley, Mary Keohane and Teddy Barret in the photo?

Do you have any photos which Mike Lelliott might appear in?

Get in touch if you can put a name to any of the faces, or if you have any old school photos of your own which you would like to see featured in Looking Back.

Please send your memories and photos to James Connaughton, via email to [email protected], send them by post or pop into Cannon House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, BN11 1NA. Telephone 01903 282351.

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