Staff take action to fund training

Staff from Clapham and Patching CE Primary SchoolStaff from Clapham and Patching CE Primary School
Staff from Clapham and Patching CE Primary School
Staff at a village school have taken funding issues into their own hands by going on a sponsored walk.

Being a small school, Clapham and Patching CE Primary has been feeling the effects of recent budget cuts, meaning teachers have not been able to provide the children with all the resources and opportunities previously available.

Staff went on a 10km sponsored walk to raise money for a Forest School initiative, as there was no other way to fund the training required.

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Head teacher Jane Jones said: “There are a number of local schools who run very successful forest schools and we want to make sure that we use all the facilities on our doorstep and train members of staff to be forest school leaders.

“Forest schools are a great way to encourage outdoor learning and with Clapham and Patching School situated in the middle of the South Downs National Park, it would be a chance missed if the school did not embrace that opportunity.”

Parents and friends managed to raise more than £200 before the walk took place at the Goodwood Estate and the final total was more than double that.

Miss Jones said training for Forest School was around £800, so the staff were very optimistic and looking forward to this new adventure.