Staff and residents at Eastbourne care home support local dementia charity

From left to right: David Edwards & Stephen Lloyd (EDAA), Patty Meredith, Corrie Paxton, Joan Seagrave (Residents), Iain Attwood (Head of Hospitality at Beechwood Grove) and Mary Corin (Resident)
From left to right: David Edwards & Stephen Lloyd (EDAA), Patty Meredith, Corrie Paxton, Joan Seagrave (Residents), Iain Attwood (Head of Hospitality at Beechwood Grove) and Mary Corin (Resident)
From left to right: David Edwards & Stephen Lloyd (EDAA), Patty Meredith, Corrie Paxton, Joan Seagrave (Residents), Iain Attwood (Head of Hospitality at Beechwood Grove) and Mary Corin (Resident)
Residents and staff at Beechwood Grove Care Home, Eastbourne, raised more than £1,600 to help support the work of the Eastbourne Dementia Action Alliance who were nominated as their charity of the year for 2022.

As a charity, the Eastbourne Dementia Action Alliance (EDAA) is reliant upon donations to support its objectives of helping people living with dementia locally and working alongside other organisations to improve their services to those living with dementia and their families.

The Eastbourne Dementia Action Alliance received a wonderful boost at the end of last week when Beechwood Grove Care Home (pictured below), handed over a cheque representing the amazing sum of £1,640.28 raised during 2022 with the support of its residents, staff , families and local community. The monies raised will help EDAA work towards its aim of helping Eastbourne become a more dementia inclusive community.

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Iain Attwood at Beechwood Grove said: “It has given us great pleasure to be able to raise this money for such a worthwhile, local cause. With huge thanks to everyone who has helped us reach this amount”.

In addition to the funds raised locally, a generous contribution was donated by Oakland Care who own Beechwood Grove and several other care homes.

EDAA Trustee, Stephen Lloyd said: “We have enjoyed getting to know the staff at Beechwood Grove who have always made us feel welcome whenever we have visited the home. We can’t thank them enough for their support. Beechwood Grove has also signed-up to the Eastbourne Dementia Inclusive Community Charter, so we can look forward to continuing our relationship for some time to come.”

To find out more about the Charter, which seeks to draw together local organisations and businesses to work towards making the Eastbourne area a dementia friendly community, please visit: For further information about the EDAA and how you might be able to give your support or get involved please email: [email protected]. or telephone 01323 385 285 and leave a message.

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