Pagham store targeted in spree of break-ins

A Pagham store has become one of 12 targeted in a co-ordinated series of break-ins and attempted break-ins, police revealed this week.

The Co-op outlet in The Parade, which trades as Alldays, has fallen victim to the organised group of two or three criminals.

The past month has seen them travelling around West and East Sussex and stealing cigarettes and liquor where they have been able to get into the stores.

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DI Lee Horner, who is co-ordinating the police investigation into the crimes, said: "These incidents are happening in the early hours of the morning under cover of darkness. Where entry has been gained to premises, the suspects have made off with large amounts of alcohol and cigarettes.

"It is possible that these items are being offered for sale at a discount. So, if anyone has information which may help with our inquiries, please contact Sussex Police on 0845 60 70 999, quoting Operation Ladycross.

"Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111. Calls are free and could lead to a reward."

The break-ins and attempted break-ins began on December 15. The offence at the Pagham store occurred on December 20.

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