Your Letters - February 15

We welcome your letters - email them to [email protected] include your name and address if your letter is for publication.

Mindless vandals

I AM writing to you to see if you will print the mindless damage these yobs do when leaving the pubs on Friday and Saturday nights, like many people who happen to live in this area of Bexhill.

There are a lot of hard-working people in this part of Bexhill and some of the people who live in and around Victoria and Reginald roads park their cars and vans in these roads.

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I for one had my car parked in Victoria Road on Friday night and on Saturday morning when I went to get into the car some yob has come home from the Friday night after having a skin-full and thought it funny to walk down Victoria Road kicking in wing mirrors.

These mindless yobs do not care as the average price of a wing mirror complete is in the region of 120.

There were four cars done in Victoria Road so this yob has done about 500 worth of damage. When this matter is reported to the police the answer that is given is that there is not enough police for this area and then give out reference numbers, which is no use to man nor beast.

This is not a one-off case. This happens every weekend in Bexhill. You could understand if this was London but it is not.

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A message for these mindless yobs - join the Army and do something useful with your life instead of kicking in people's cars.

Ian Blake

Reginald Road

South East in Bloom

I WRITE to remind those of your readers planning to enter this year's South and South East in Bloom competition, sponsored and supported by Southern Water, that the closing date for entries is February 22.

It is easier than ever to enter the competition because entry forms can now be downloaded from our new website

South and South East in Bloom is the regional competition promoting, supporting and encouraging gardening, horticulture and environmental sustainability across Kent, Surrey, East and West Sussex, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and parts of Dorset and Wiltshire.

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Entries are invited annually from community groups and local authorities across the region who wish to improve their local environment.

People who are entering, or considering entering, and want to find out what the judges will be looking for in 2008 should attend one of our seminars next month. There will be two seminars, one at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead on March 11, and one at The Assembly Rooms in High Street, Alton on March 14.

To book a place and for more details contact the co-ordinator, Anne Holman, on 020 8662 1021, email to [email protected] or write to 124 Gravel Hill, Croydon, Surrey CRO 5BF.

Southern Water's support and sponsorship has enabled South & South East in Bloom to quadruple in size since 2002, not only enhancing local communities but also encouraging us all to avoid wasting water.

Peter Holman


South and South East in Bloom

Nowhere for bikes

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I HAVE been attending Bexhill Leisure Centre for over a year now, and still cannot leave my bike outside!

This is because the limited and rusting bike racks force you to park your bike out into the disabled parking bay.

Even if we park along the wall instead, this only leaves room for three bikes - not very helpful is it?

And now, there have appeared in reception huge jars of cookies for sale.

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The machines near the door have fizzy drinks and chocolate and crisps, and no sign of fruit or salad or anything healthy at all!

What encouragement does this give to those of us watching our weight and health? None basically.

After all it is meant to be a health and fitness centre, or is it really just a commercial enterprise dressed up to extract our hard-earned cash?

Juley Ross

Dorset Road South

Heroic chemist

THROUGH your paper may I give my most grateful thanks to the 'Gentleman Courier' from Marshes, (the chemist) who, on one of the worst nights of this winter, bothered to go the extra mile to find me to bring urgent medication. In my book, the hero of the day!


Nazareth Hill

Thanks for support