LETTER: Divided party over Europe

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Recently 45 per cent of people surveyed said they would vote to stay in the EU, a huge increase from recent years. Just 35 per cent said they would prefer to leave.

Yet David Cameron appears to be pandering more and more to the Eurosceptic wing of his party.

If 45 per cent of people clearly state they would rather Britain stayed in the EU, how electorally profitable is it to appear to be anti-Europe?

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Watching the BBC’s ‘Inside the Commons, Lifting the Lid’ alerted to me how deeply Eurosceptic some Conservative MPs like Jacob Rees-Mogg and Peter Bone really are.

In the build up to the General Election, Mr Cameron will struggle to reel in Eurosceptic Tory MPs that are feeling the threat from UKIP snapping at their heels.

After the General Election the outlook for the Conservative Party is looking increasingly anti-European.

Pro-European Tories are standing down which will make it harder for Cameron to resist the hard right of his party. If there is a pro-European side to the Conservative Party, now would be the time for them to show it.

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The question begs whether all this Eurosceptic pandering is really representative of how the majority of Britons feel, but what’s clear is, the Tories are now, more than ever, a divided party over Europe.


Clays Hill, Bramber