Thebestof Hastings - gearing up to drive trusted business and the community together

The Best of Hastings SUS-150410-094936001The Best of Hastings SUS-150410-094936001
The Best of Hastings SUS-150410-094936001
Many businesses have a strap line especially those B2B concerns that attend networking events regularly and here, at thebestof, we are no different in that respect.

We work closely with a growing number of local businesses having first identified that these businesses are good at what they do - and we don’t just take their word for it.

To join thebestof you must first demonstrate that you have a good track record as we look initially for at least two of your customers to review your work - did you know that it’s up to 50 times more compelling for your customers to say positive comments about your business, than if you said so yourself?

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Importantly its then about what you do with your reviews. Here at thebestof, we help our clients promote their businesses by facilitating the collection and publishing of reviews.

This can be done in a variety of ways; first, your customers can comment on a reviews page linked to your feature on thebestof website; secondly, by adding a reviews widget to your own website, your customers can leave direct feedback in real time on your own site and thirdly, by loading a Facebook reviews widget on your page, they can leave a review there too!

These are exciting times at thebestof as we are updating our range of support that we can provide for our business members.

We know that for a number of years, we have seen challenging times within our high streets and town centres. Retailers are having to think differently as online shopping becomes more prevalent - it’s no longer good enough to open the doors hoping that local people will walk through them!

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So, in order to support and help the smaller independent retailer, who may not have the e-Commerce functionality within their own website, we now offer the opportunity to sell our clients products within our new online local shop!

Like everything else in life that’s worthwhile, it’ll take some commitment from the retailer to adapt and incorporate a sales process using e-Commerce but we will work with you and provide the necessary training support.

In short, we want to make it easy for your customers to buy locally...

Our second recent upgrade now sees the ability within our website to sell tickets for a variety of events – and we have over 110 local events presented on our site.

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We’re starting by selling tickets powered by our partner ‘Fatsoma’ to our own networking events although we will have the functionality to fulfil ticket sales for any client or community event too. So, if you’d like us to sell tickets for your community event, please do get in touch.

Finally, we couldn’t not mention our latest piece of marketing and advertising support as five of our members have joined us on our newly branded bestof Mini... Look out for us around town!

If you’d like to know more about how your business could benefit from support by thebestof, simply call 01424 858932 or email on - bringing trusted businesses and the community together!

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