
HARVEST FESTIVAL: What a beautiful time of year and the time of year that we celebrate and thank god for the harvest safely gathered in. This Saturday the volunteer team of skilled flower arrangers will be decorating St John the Baptist parish church in preparation for the services this Sunday September 28. There will be the Parish Eucharist service at 10.30am and then later at 6pm there will be Harvest Evensong followed by a harvest supper with traditional harvest fare. Your company is very much looked forward to. There is no set charge for supper but donations would be gratefully received.

SEDLESCOMBE AND DISTRICT GARDENING SHOW: The Autumn Show takes place in Sedlescombe village hall on Saturday October 4, which will be open to the public from 2pm. Members and non members are invited to take part with their produce, flowers, cooking, brewing and handicrafts. All details on classes and rules can be found in the show schedule booklet or for further details please contact the show secretary Jo Evans on 751112

MACMILLAN BIGGEST COFFEE MORNING: A big thank you from Margaret, she reports what a good morning it was, the weather was perfect, not too hot or cold enabling enjoyment of the garden as well as their coffee. It was very well supported with thirty to forty people attending, they helped raise £280 on the day plus some very kind donations increasing the amount to £315 be sent to Macmillan Cancer Care. Thank you to all who supported the event and the team that made it happen.

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