These are the housing sites big and small being considered across the Horsham district

Horsham local plan possible strategic sites. Rookwood Golf Course in Horsham is also being considered (N.B. Mayfield is the name of the promoters not the place name)Horsham local plan possible strategic sites. Rookwood Golf Course in Horsham is also being considered (N.B. Mayfield is the name of the promoters not the place name)
Horsham local plan possible strategic sites. Rookwood Golf Course in Horsham is also being considered (N.B. Mayfield is the name of the promoters not the place name)
A review of Horsham District Council’s local plan will give residents a chance to have a say on potential new development sites and housing numbers.

The current planning framework agreed back in 2015 set a housing target of 800 homes a year, but this requirement is set to be increased significantly as the Government looks to boost housebuilding nationwide.

The district must allow for 965 homes to be built every year between now and 2036 as well as taking on hundreds that neighbouring authorities do not have the space to build.

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This means that HDC will have to allocate new sites both large and small to accommodate extra housing, but no decisions on any allocations have been taken at this stage.

A draft local plan will be put out for public consultation from Monday (February 17) to March 30.

A number of potential housing sites are included in the draft plan which the public will have a chance to have a say on.

List of strategic sites being considered:

Land at Adversane – 3,500/4,000 homes

Land east of Billingshurst – 1,200 homes

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Land west of Billingshurst (two sites) – 850/1,000 homes and 500/750 homes

Land west of Ifield – 10,000 homes

Land at Kingsfold – 1,000 homes

Mayfield, north east of Henfield – 7,000 homes

Land at Rookwood, Horsham – 900/1,000 homes

Land west of Southwater – 1,200 homes

Land at Buck Barn, West Grinstead – 3,500 homes

List of smaller sites (figures listed are smaller scale housing requirements for settlements in addition to any made neighbourhood plan while the council says ‘it is not expected that it will be necessary or even possible to allocate all of these sites):

Ashington – 600 homes

Land south of Rectory Lane has already been identified in the neighbourhood plan, which has just gone out for consultation, while several sites north of Rectory Lane are also being considered.

Barns Green – 50 homes

Land at Slaughterford Farm has been identified by Itchingfield Parish Council, with views on additional shortlisted sites sought for land south of Smugglers Lane, south of Muntham Drive and land to the rear of Two Mile Ash Drive.

Billingshurst – to be determined

Broadbridge Heath – 100-150 homes

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Both Lower Broadbridge Farm and Wellcross Farm are outside the parish but would result in the expansion of the village

Christ’s Hospital – 30 homes

Land at The Warren

Cowfold – 75 homes

Land at Cowfold Glebe, Brook Hill and land south of the A272 have been put identified by the parish council. The two other sites are land north of the A272 and land east of the recreation ground.

Henfield – 350 homes

Parsonage Farm, land west of Backsettown Farm, land east of Wantley Hill and south of the bowls club have been identified in the neighbourhood plan, with the other sites land north of Furners Lane and Sandgate Nursery.

Horsham Forest – 100 homes

Land at Hornbrook Farm.

Lower Beeding – 35 homes

Sandygate Lane, south of Church Farm House and Glayde Farm all identified by the parish council.

North Horsham – 300 homes

Land at Mercer Road near Warnham Railway Station.

Partridge Green – 200 homes

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