Residents raise concern for approved extension work at Chichester properties

Residents have voiced their concerns about approved extension works at properties on Russell Street. Image provided by Google MapsResidents have voiced their concerns about approved extension works at properties on Russell Street. Image provided by Google Maps
Residents have voiced their concerns about approved extension works at properties on Russell Street. Image provided by Google Maps
Residents have voiced their concerns about approved extension works at properties in Chichester.

Work permitted by Chichester District Council will see the knocking two Russell Street cottages into a single dwelling. The development also includes building a two-storey extension to the rear of number 5, a single-storey extension to the rear of number 6 and knocking down the two small front walls to be replaced with iron railings.

However multiple residents have raised objections to the plans.

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Annelise Jensen said: "I live in Russell Street, Chichester and I am concerned that the correct protocol and consultation procedures may have not been followed.

“The Chichester District Conservation Area includes Russell Street, therefore making it subject to planning restrictions regarding alterations to existing buildings.

“The planning application that has been approved is to knock two Russell Street cottages into a single dwelling. The proposed development includes building a two-storey extension to the rear of number 5, a single-storey extension to the rear of number 6 and knocking down the two small front walls to be replaced with iron railings. The extension to the rear of number 5 extends well beyond that of any other property in the street, and the nature of the two cottages will be lost as the dwelling will become a large family ‘town house’.

“I believe that these alterations are not in keeping with the unique historic nature of the area, and I duly followed the official procedures to lodge my objection to the proposed development. However, as far as I am aware, none of the residents who made formal objections have been consulted regarding our concerns. In addition, no planning officer has visited the site to see how the proposed alterations would affect the street, the Conservation Area or the neighbouring properties.

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