Boy cycles 87 miles for charity, inspired by grandmother’s eye cancer

Callum Smith with his grandmother Sue Harris at the finish line in AngmeringCallum Smith with his grandmother Sue Harris at the finish line in Angmering
Callum Smith with his grandmother Sue Harris at the finish line in Angmering
A ten-year-old who cycled 87 miles from his house to his grandmother in Angmering to raise money for a cancer charity close to her heart has crossed the finish line.

Callum Smith set out from Butlers Cross in Buckinghamshire last Saturday and after nine hours of cycling and some breaks, he got to Sue Harris’s house the following day, greeted by bunting and a trophy.

He has raised more than £3,520, plus £680 of Gift Aid, for OcuMel UK, a charity to support ocular melanoma patients – a rare form of eye cancer that Callum’s grandmother was diagnosed with in January last year.

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He was accompanied by his mother, Jennie, the whole way and was joined by his father, Adam, three-quarters of the way through.

Callum Smith, 10, will be cycling from his home in Butlers Cross, Buckinghamshire, to his grandmother's home in Angmering to raise money for charity. He was inspired by his grandmother's own cancer diagnosis.Callum Smith, 10, will be cycling from his home in Butlers Cross, Buckinghamshire, to his grandmother's home in Angmering to raise money for charity. He was inspired by his grandmother's own cancer diagnosis.
Callum Smith, 10, will be cycling from his home in Butlers Cross, Buckinghamshire, to his grandmother's home in Angmering to raise money for charity. He was inspired by his grandmother's own cancer diagnosis.

Jennie said: “We are all immensely proud of his grit, determination and energy in fulfilling this self-chosen challenge.