KELLY BROWN Mum's the Word...Twinkle, twinkle, munchkin, still time for yet another chorus

How do you keep a two-year-old occupied in a car for five or six hours?

That was the burning question this weekend when I drove to Yorkshire to visit my family.

With my husband in Kent, I took the wheel and drove 612 miles in three days to visit my nan, uncles, cousins etc in a quick trip up the M1.

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Luckily my younger brother decided to join us for the journey, which was a massive help.

Long gone are the days when we used to sit in the back seats and squabble for hours over the tiny and stupid things which kids argue over.

No, this time round my little brother helped to keep my little man amused on our trip up north, including singing ‘twinkle, twinkle little star’ for 20 minutes.