
Church Matters: There will be a special service of Morning Praise at 10.30 am at St Andrew’s, Fairlight, on the theme of ‘Can Jesus Heal Today?’ Why not go along, with your friends, to receive prayer for healing? Then, at 6.30 pm, it’s time for ‘Sunday Live’ at St Peter’s. The guest speaker will be Alex Ntung, sharing his faith in God and what God has done for him and his family. Alex came to the UK as a refugee from Africa, and he is currently working in Dover and will soon be moving to live there.

From July, that’s Sunday 26, Sunday Live is to have a different focus. Whereas until now the emphasis has been upon encouragement and testimony of what God has done in people’s lives, this will change to concentrate on teaching about God and who He is, from a biblical perspective. The meeting will still continue to be about an hour long, and will still be followed by food, fellowship and support for one another.

Don’t forget the Hot Potato night at 6.30 pm on Saturday, July 4 at St Peter’s, a social event for church and community. There will be food — jacket potatoes with a variety of fillings — and drinks. During the evening there will be a panel of people willing to answer questions about God, the church and faith — a great opportunity for anyone to receive some answers to difficult questions.

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To the delight of youngsters, Messy Church will be there for them once more on Wednesday next, July 1 from 3.30 until 5.30 pm in the village hall.

MOPPs today and next Friday: Today, the entertainment will be Janice Bolton’s Country Dance, with a lunch of chicken and bacon, followed by banoffee pie. Next week, on Friday, July 3, there’s Celia King’s chair-based exercises to help keep you supple, and ready to tuck in to sausage and mash, and then peaches and custard. Don’t these weekly plans tempt you to join the group? Numbers are currently fairly high, but do register your interest and you could be slotted in to a vacancy as soon as one occurs.

This month’s Tuesday Ladies Club: had a most enjoyable afternoon in the company of a very relaxed Chris McCooey with a very interesting talk. As mentioned a couple of weeks ago, Chris had very kindly stepped in to replace the booked speaker, who is unfortunately unwell. Chris held the ladies spellbound with his talks about scandals, a ménage a trois (Edith Nesbit), Noel Coward and the really sad one about the scandalous treatment of chimney sweep boys and finally the saucy postcards of Donald McGill. Chris will be making a return visit in September when he will talk about Notorious Sussex Women. The meeting on July 21 will feature Andy Dinsdale talking about Australian Wildlife. The meeting will be in the village hall, starting at 2.15. Visitors of either sex are very welcome for a mere £2 which includes tea and cakes.

By the time you’re reading this, the Ladies will have had their Annual Outing, encompassing the Old Loom Mill Craft Centre, and a cream tea at Hillier’s Garden Centre in Hailsham. A report will follow next week.

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The Players’ AGM: will be taking place tomorrow evening, starting at 7.30 pm, in the village hall. Members will know that they have to state that they will be attending, for catering purposes. It will be following the tried and tested formula of business, followed by entertainment, followed by supper. And the bar will be open. I’ve never known it yet to fail…!

RSPCA Grand Summer Fayre: A week tomorrow, on Saturday, July 4, the South East and Hastings Branch (Dogs and Cats) of the RSPCA will be holding their Summer Fayre from 10 am to 1 pm in the village hall. This is the grass-roots and much loved RSPCA, full of local animal welfare, and far removed from the blight of the politically correct animal rights shenanigans that seem to beset the Society’s HQ. The fayre will cost you 50p for admission, which gets you not only through the door, but brings with it a cuppa tea or coffee, and access to the biscuits! Then you can browse and buy at the Pet Shop, Raffles, Linen Stall, China and Glass Collectables, Cakes and Savouries, the Bargain Basement and Toys and Games. As before, clairvoyant Jenny Croft will be there, too, but I expect you knew already that she would be coming…

Fairfest Summer Bash: Coming up fast is this year’s Fairfest offering, the vital and exciting Summer Bash, which will be with us in four weeks on Sunday, July 26. The fun starts at 4 pm, with live music from 6 pm, and this will feature Dorey the Wise, the Rye Ukulele experiment and the ever-popular Kytes. Not only is this event designed to be fun raising, it is also fund raising – ready for the fourth Fairfest Festival, which is next summer. As well as free entry, the Bash offers games, a bouncy castle, tea, a bar and a barbie.

For the Festival itself, putting it on is hugely expensive with items like Public Insurance Liability, an Events Licence, portaloos to hire and bands to be paid, so any profits from this year’s ‘do’ will be a welcome boost for the funds.

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From a more mundane point of view, any help anyone could offer for the morning of the Bash would be welcomed, as there will be tents to put up, games to get organised, and car parking areas to be marked off. Such help, plus those who would enjoy either running a game or helping with car parking when it all begins, are asked, nicely, to contact Jennifer Annetts on 812476

Quiz Night at the Cove: The latest Cove Quiz is coming along on Wednesday week, July 8 at 8 pm, with Bob and Dec question-mastering a 1950’s affair. Appropriately, the entrance fee per person is thirty bob, or pedantically £1 10s 0d. Your fee gets you entry into all quizzes, and to a go at the free sandwiches. There’s a £25 cash prize, too. If Jack Frost on the inside of your bedroom window is a memory of your winter mornings, this quiz is the place for you to be!

It’s the Bowls Club Tournament Day: this Sunday, Jun