Dismay as date is set to fix pothole-riddled road

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A date has finally been set for repairs to a pothole-stricken road which was the scene of a three-car crash last week.

West Sussex County Council says it will resurface Greenway in Horsham - which has been plagued by potholes for nearly a year - in October.

But this week the news was met with anger by local residents who want immediate action. Martin Peters, who lives in nearby Churchill Avenue, said: “It’s disgusting. The road is dangerous and needs to be done right now.”

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He added: “This road is a disgrace and warning signs should be erected, but most of all this road should be re-surfaced and now is an ideal time as the school is closed for summer holidays.”

He said Greenway was used as a shortcut by many cars and Horsham District Councillor Christine Costin, who has long campaigned for action on the road, said many schoolchildren also used the potholed road to get to school.

She, too, queried why the work could not be done sooner. “Obviously I’m pleased that it’s going to be done, but it needs to be done thoroughly with no half measures.

“However I’m disappointed they haven’t slotted the works into the summer holidays.”

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A spokesman for West Sussex County Council, responsible for road repairs, said: “This road has been identified as needing treatment and has been assessed for inclusion in the ‘Pothole Action Fund’ which the Government allocated funding for in April 2016.

“The site has been assessed and we intend to resurface the entire length of Greenway between Rushams Road and Merryfield Drive.

“The work will include removing the existing top layer and replacing it with a new surface. We anticipate that the work will take place over two shifts and will have to close the road in order to do so.