Enjoy the World Cup – but responsibly, police urge

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WITH the World Cup kicking-off in Brazil this evening (Thursday, June 12), football fans are being encouraged to enjoy themselves – but not mix drink and driving.

Many of the matches during the tournament are being played late at night and into the early hours of the morning and some venues across Sussex will be keeping their doors open to serve drink to revellers.

But with fans being able to drink until the early hours, police are concerned many people will still not be fit to drive hours later – even if they have gone to bed after the game.

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Throughout June officers are looking for drivers who have been drinking or have taken drugs as part of Operation Dragonfly, the force’s summer crackdown.

‘Don’t drink and drive’

Superintendent Jane Derrick, the head of roads policing for Sussex and Surrey, said: “Too many people this month have been caught already this month driving after drinking or taking drugs.

“The World Cup will encourage people to drink later into the night and fans may not realise how long it takes the alcohol to leave their systems.

“The fact is that if you are still drinking at the final whistle, you will likely still have alcohol in your bloodstream when you get up the next day – meaning if we stop you it could cost you your licence.