Supporting You team launches at Chichester District Council

A new holistic service set up to support residents who are struggling with the cost of living has just launched at Chichester District Council.
The Supporting You team at Chichester District CouncilThe Supporting You team at Chichester District Council
The Supporting You team at Chichester District Council

The five-strong team of specialist, trained advisors will be working alongside services across the council to help people access a wide range of assistance including financial help to pay bills, help with housing, and health and wellbeing support.

The team has been put together in direct response to the cost of living crisis.

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In July councillors agreed to invest £300,000 in the pilot service over the next two years, with a review planned after six months.

Councillor Peter Wilding, the council’s cabinet member for finance, said: “One of the things we know is that, when people approach the council on a particular matter, it often becomes clear that in fact there are a number of related issues involving more than one council service.

“We understand that for people experiencing these complex situations, it can be incredibly frustrating to have to deal with each different service, and so our Supporting You team will be here to assess what sort of help they need, and act as a bridge between different council services so that each person receives individual, tailored help that addresses all of their needs.“As individuals, each Supporting You team member brings a wealth of experience to the council and already they have been carrying out work relating to the energy cost rebates and have also attended a community event at Swanfield Community Hall, organised by the A2Dominion housing association.“With spiralling household costs, we know that even more people are going to need support so we’re delighted to have the team on board. We know that they are going to make a huge difference to people’s lives in these difficult times.”This new service also forms part of the council’s Supporting You campaign, which was launched in September in partnership with the Observer